Hi! This is my first time blogging. Ok so I kinda got it figured out.
It's snowing a little off and on today! I wish the weather would make up it's mind. We just keep getting teased with beautiful weather and then it snows. We have been working on cleaning the garage for the last week. It's looking good. We also hope to get a dump run in today. I have been seperating stuff out to sell at a yard sale. I have noticed that there is not much in that pile lol. Most of the other stuff I just can't figure out where to put it in the house. I don't have much shelving to put my figurines out. I used to put them on a bookshelf but it just got too cluttered. I want Joe to build me shelves that go around the top of the living room walls.
Sammy is growing way to quickly. He has been sick and messing his clothes two or three times a day. I keep running out of clothes to put him in. lol It's the wrong time of year to go out and buy sweats and the like. He has also been talking up a storm! He loves "reading" books. He definatly keeps me on my toes. Most days I can't wait until naptime just to get a break lol.
Shane is getting so big too. Kindergarten is going great for him. He loves counting and spelling. I love it!
Bradley is 14 and has that teenage attitude. Grrr! I am getting really sick of it.
Anna is 18 now and is going to gradute soon! I just can't believe it!
So anyway that's what's been going on around here. I hope to get some scrappin' done soon. I have had just no motivation or drive to do it.
March 24, 2023
1 year ago