Monday, April 27, 2009


My Grandmother passed away yesterday morning. I am very sad and I am going to miss her so much.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wow! I am still trying to figure this all out! I have added some links for blog candy. You need to check them out!

Someday I will get it all figured out. lol I haven't even figured out how to post pictures yet. I will get there though.

Have a great day!
You have got to check out this Blog! She has wonderful ideas and she is giving away some blog candy! Check it out

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It snowed!

It was a beautiful weekend and beautiful the first couple of days of the week. Then it started raining yesterday and it snowed most of the day today.

I hope to get my new scrapbooking room set up so I can get some scrappin done! I know I keep saying this. But really I need to get busy!

An online friend of mine is giving away some blog candy! Go check it out!

I hoped that worked.

Anyway, I hope the rest of the week goes well!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I took Joe and Anna to the airport today to go get her car. What a long drive back for me. lol Sammy was a terror in the store. He was fine for awhile but then he just screamed and screamed. I even forgot to give the cashier my DL to make it tax exempt. Wow!

I really need to get motivated to scrap again. It just seems like I don't have time or I feel quilty for leaving Joe with Sammy. I know he doesn't mind but that's just the way I am feeling about it. I am going to get down in the basement and do at least one page. There is a card crop going on this week so hopefully I will get some inspiration from that. Well I will post more later.

Have a great weekend :-)